Why Cleanse? What good is it? What can it do? 


I will tell you all about it, I will.  Then you can decide what to do…just for you!   

This might just sound like a line out of One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish but maybe it also spikes your curiosity?!

I think we would all agree it’s true, that potentially toxic chemicals are all around us.  They easily find their way into our body…through the air we breathe, the food we eat, and also what is in the water and other things we drink.  Although our body is designed to filter and naturally clean out some of these unpleasant things, sometimes we might want to give it a little boost!   

Toxins not excreted properly can accumulate in our body and may damage our enzymes, our cells, our brain, impair many bodily functions, weaken our bones, interfere with our hormones and maybe even damage our organs.  Maybe you are experiencing some of these symptoms, that may indicate a toxic overload exists for you.  Are any of these familiar to you?    

• fatigue • bloating • gas (at the top and bottom!) • skin issues or other allergic reactions • constipation or diarrhea • irritability • mood swings • weight gain or loss • brain fog or lack of focus • trouble sleeping • aching or soreness – just to name a few!

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In my cleanse, just one of the programs that I offer, one way that we try to open up the body’s natural channels of elimination is by eating fresh, whole foods…those closest to their natural state.  And then there are many other foods we avoid.  We do this, not only to rid ourselves of these potentially harmful things but also to KICKSTART our journey to reach our health goals and see how good we can feel!  

This is one of the ways we begin to reset and refresh our body.  Dr. Mark Hyman said, “When you eat real, whole, fresh foods that are highly concentrated in vitamins and minerals, phytonutrients and fiber, you provide your body with the fuel it needs to stay healthy and prevent and heal from disease. But you also have to remove the junk. All the sugar, flour and processed foods in our supermarkets today interfere with a healthy, functioning body.”

To purchase his book, ‘Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?’, click here!

During the cleanse, our approach is to evaluate, minimize or eliminate symptoms caused by the more common food allergies.  Some of them include: grains that contain gluten, dairy, eggs, caffeine, yeast, and sugar (in its many forms!).  People have found relief from some of the above symptoms when these foods have been avoided.  We then slowly reintroduce these foods back into your diet, so each participant can observe their own body’s reaction.  Or, some people choose to not reintroduce these things into their diet because they prefer the way they feel when they are eliminated!

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Of course, you should always consult with your primary care physician and alternative holistic therapists when necessary as well.  Nothing in this cleanse takes the place of that or attempts to recommend specific treatments to any of the symptoms above.   It is just an opportunity to get curious and see how clean eating might start to transform your thoughts, your body AND kickstart your health!

A number of cleansing activities are recommended in my cleanse, even beyond diet. This cleanse and our life, is about continually letting in and letting go.  Letting go of old patterns of eating that do not serve us as well anymore and letting in new thoughts and ideas.  So, the time, attention and enthusiasm you devote to these additional self-care activities for your body during your cleanse, will be rewarded with improved health and maybe even new, lasting habits!

My cleanse experience can be a way to eliminate less desirable or even harmful chemicals in your body. BUT, it is also an opportunity to kickstart your health, experiment with new recipes and also to kick the sugar habit (or other habits not serving you well) right to the curb!  A variety of nutrient dense, high fiber foods are conveniently planned and available for you to try, taking the guesswork out of wondering what to eat.


3 testimonials below indicate how people have reacted to my cleanse program!

“I really enjoyed this cleanse experience. In my mind, the words “cleanse” and “starvation” were synonymous. However, I couldn’t have been more wrong.  Nicholle has created a cleanse that focuses on my whole body and mind. It’s about abundance and pampering, not deprivation. It’s about creativity in what and how I ate. It’s about choices and flexibility, not rigidity.”

“It was my first time trying it and I am amazed at how much I learned and confirmed.  I am most proud that I stuck to cleanse friendly foods throughout the cleanse. What I liked most was learning more about foods that do not sit well in my body and how my body reacts.  I have pretty much cut out coffee and I am really happy about that.”

 “I learned that diet is big part of how we feel and the energy we have to carry us through the day. For me, the reintroduction phase was very enlightening - I think the gluten makes me want to snack more and eat more often.  I found when I was on the cleanse I did not feel hungry in the evenings because I was eating great whole foods throughout the day.”

Some people make the decision to join my cleanse experience in hopes of losing weight, increasing their energy & focus, improving their mood, or eliminating some of the less desirable physical symptoms they are feeling!   The good news…all of that IS possible, AND you can enjoy yourself in the cleanse group with three takeaways, in order to increase your chances of success in these areas.

These are the 3 things I learned from the Health Coach Institute (HCI) during my very first cleanse a few years ago and the same still holds true today.  Here is what they said AND what I know to be true!  It continues to be what I take away from each cleanse I participate in and what I want you to take away also!  

  1. You will create increased self-awareness of your own bio-individuality. You will tune in to your own body and life to discover what nourishes, energizes and inspires YOU. You have a unique body (and a unique life!) that requires an individualized approach to everything. Think of the Cleanse as an experiment (not a prescription). We want to move away from the “one size fits all” approach of diet gurus.  Only you know how to do you best!

  2. This should be relatively EASY for you…meaning, you CAN participate in this cleanse with ease and calm rather than in anxiety and overwhelm.    Even if you might not know HOW the cleanse period could be simple, I invite you to open up to the fact that it is possible! When we let go of habits that don’t serve us well anymore, we fall into the energy and vitality that is natural for us. “Keep it simple” = your mantra when this program seems challenging or complex.  You don’t have to do it all, or do it all perfectly!

  3. Let’s have fun in our cleanse community!  Undergoing a temporary diet and self-care “experiment" does NOT have to be a struggle but it CAN yield powerful results. With an open, playful attitude, you’ll find the experience of starting something new to be easier, and people, support & success will be drawn to you naturally.

Maybe you have a few questions or are curious about something at this point.  My cleansing participants have been curious in the past also and here are three commonly asked questions at the start:  

3 FAQs

1) What results might I see?

  • Increased oxygenation in your cells and you might feel increased energy too

  • Improved weight management

  • Improved look and feel of your skin

  • Discovering food sensitivities and intolerances

  • Eliminating unhealthy cravings

  • Clearer thinking/focus and healthy brain activity

  • Trying delicious cleanse friendly recipes with fresh new ideas

  • Creating a maintenance diet that best serves your unique body

  • Sleeping better and less fatigue overall

  • Engaging all your senses and pressing RESET on your health!

2) Is it too complex or difficult to understand?

Your body is the most powerful, least expensive, and best dietary experimentation lab in existence!  (another powerful lesson from HCI !) Just like there is no one right diet for everyone, there is no one right approach during this cleanse.  You can do absolutely everything, or you can choose what is most important to you.  The best interpreter of your body and your results is you but we can set some goals together.  In fact, this cleanse has probably been the number one needle mover for me and my diet!

You are provided a manual that is FULL of information and easy to follow – there are many recipes and self-care tips in there also!       

3) How does it work?

While I call it the 21 day cleanse, don’t be intimidated…I am there to support you every day!  Here is how we break up the time into 3 separate phases:

1. The first seven days, the Commitment and Preparation Phase is for making the commitment to yourself and what you most want to accomplish, setting your intentions and preparing.

2. The next seven days are the Elimination Phase where we practice sticking to the cleanse-friendly foods.

3. The last 7 days, or the Reintroduction Phase will see us slowly bring foods back into our diet to reveal food sensitivities and intolerances; this helps us create our food choices that will best serve our bodies going forward.

Being part of a cleansing community offers a supportive and powerful opportunity to ask questions, share comments or ideas, and learn new information each week! Since of course, nourishment is about more than just food, we will explore other important aspects of self-care throughout the process too!

Give yourself the gift of a cleanse, and see how good you can feel. We replace judgement with curiosity and processed foods with whole, real, fresh food. You should never feel hungry or be deprived of good food during this cleanse. Check it out!

What’s the best thing that might happen?

Join our 21 Day Reset Cleanse launching this September!

This process will help us get curious about our choices as well as see and feel the impact on our bodies - the most powerful experimentation lab around! Maybe you’re interested in joining our Reset Cleanse Group in hopes of losing weight, increasing your energy, focus, & mood, or eliminating physical symptoms!

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As a certified and transformational health coach, I am dedicated to helping people who are focused on their career & their family, (or just coming out of a pandemic!) but are feeling depleted and stuck in their health! With heart-centered programs, I will support & stretch you in making simple choices in order to reduce stress, increase your energy and lose weight…WITHOUT JUDGEMENT, DEPRIVATION or stepping into overwhelming action! We will work together to create health habits that last so you can shift from STRIVING for work - life balance to THRIVING in work - life - health ABUNDANCE!