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I work with career professionals who struggle with exhaustion, stress and gaining weight. I help them increase their energy, lose that weight and have more fun while doing it!

I am dedicated to helping people who are focused on their career & their family, but are feeling depleted and stuck in their health!

I will SUPPORT & STRETCH you in making simple choices WITHOUT JUDGEMENT, DEPRIVATION or stepping into overwhelming action!


As your health coach, I will work with you to:

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  • determine where you are, where you want to be and what’s the best path to take between the two.

  • identify what’s holding you back and what needs to be in place to help you be successful in achieving what you want most in your health and your life.

  • stretch, support and hold you lovingly accountable to step into that best version of yourself 

  • provide you with tools, ideas and practical suggestions in order to facilitate lasting habit change.

  • help you find and live a more balanced life full of energy and possibility. 

You might be asking yourself right now:


Trust yourself and your intuition. You were brought here for a reason and you are fully capable to do this! As a health coach, I have learned, practiced and I AM LIVING strategies and coaching methodologies for creating healthy habits that last!  I would love to share them with you…are you ready? What good things might happen if you proceed…for you AND your loved ones?

What is it worth to you…to explore the transformation you are capable of, without judgement or deprivation? But instead with curiosity, love and support? Isn’t being and feeling your best…priceless



What’s the best thing that could happen?


Proud Member of Women Entrepreneurs Saskatchewan Since 2020