Gratitude Challenge - Win a FREE Cleanse


Nourishment is about more than just food!

One powerful way we can nourish ourselves and others is by showing GRATITUDE. 

This week, show gratitude to others by recognizing someone else for who they are or what they have done…and notice how it feels 

It doesn’t have to be something they did for you, just something about them that you notice or are proud of them for doing.

Then make a comment here on what you observed and how you felt when you did it …AND you will be entered for a FREE Reset Your Health Cleanse!

With love and gratitude,

Nicholle Povhe


Tip: Print 7 pages, one for every day of the week. Before you go to sleep, set aside 5 to 7 minutes to complete the Daily Gratitude Journal. Let me know how it goes, either on social media or in the comments below, to be entered to WIN a FREE 21 Day Reset Cleanse!


Register for the Cleanse!

OR comment below for a CHANCE TO WIN!

Movement Challenge - Win a FREE Cleanse

Let’s get outside and let’s get moving! 



Did you really DO Christmas?  Did you eat lots of turkey & stuffing, do lots of ZOOM, drink a few eggnogs or maybe just take it easy and do a bunch of nothing?  If you engaged in the level of activity that you would normally do and that is working for you, great job!  But if you didn’t, maybe this is YOUR time to reactivate!  Maybe you WANT something different for your health and your life, so it is time to DO something different! 


Maybe at the fresh start of a new year, you are looking for a fresh start for your health – do you want to kick some old habits to the curb that are no longer serving you & your body well?  If the answer is YES… 


I invite you to take advantage of this gorgeous weather to increase your Vitamin FA (fresh air) and Vitamin M (movement)!  Leave a comment each time you go outside and get active for 20 minutes in the next 7 days and you will be entered in a draw for a FREE RESET YOUR HEALTH CLEANSING EXPERIENCE!  WOOHOO!  


Let’s Go – you CAN do this!!!


Register for the Cleanse!

OR comment below for a CHANCE TO WIN!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Wishing all of my friends, family and clients a beautiful Christmas full of love, family and peace…I am so grateful for you all! - You & Your Health…First, Nicholle Povhe, Certified Health & Transformational Habit Change Coach

Older means wiser… right?

Older means wiser… right?

This month, I am celebrating my birthday…and I am actually excited! 2020 has pushed me to celebrate more and criticize less. What would happen if we focused on celebrating what we DID have, rather than what we DIDN’T?

12 True or False Facts About Health Coaching You May Not Know

12 True or False Facts About Health Coaching You May Not Know

Have you ever thought about reaching out to a Health Coach? Do you maybe wonder what a Health Coach actually does? What good are they? How can they help you?

Health Coaches are specialists…in habit change! They are masters of how to transform your habits so that you can LET GO of old ones that are no longer serving you well and LET IN the ones that are aligned with what you most want for your health.

I am dedicated to helping people who are focused on their career & their family, but are feeling depleted and stuck in their health! With heart-centered programs, I will support & stretch you in making simple choices in order to reduce stress, increase your energy and lose weight… without depriving yourself or stepping into overwhelming action! We will work together to create health habits that last so you can shift from STRIVING for work - life balance to THRIVING in work - life - health ABUNDANCE!⠀

Why Cleanse? What good is it? What can it do? 

Why Cleanse? What good is it? What can it do? 

In my cleanse, one way that we try to open up the body’s natural channels of elimination is by eating fresh, whole foods…those closest to their natural state. And then there are many other foods we avoid. We do not do this only to rid ourselves of these potentially harmful things but also to KICKSTART our journey to our health goals and see how good we can feel!

Wrapping Up the Health & Wellness Expo experience!

The Expo this weekend was a tremendous success and so much fun! Other exhibitors were kind, professional, and so knowledgeable about the information that they shared with me! The attendees were enthusiastic, interested and curious about their health and I loved meeting you all! Thank-you for the many conversations about you and about me, I appreciated every one of them!

So, what you probably really want to know is: who won all the draws? Here they are:

Cleanse entry winner from day one: Gail S.

Cleanse entry winner from day two: Tiago M.

Cleanse entry winner from day three: M.J P.

Rush Tickets winner: Sheldon Y

Coaching package winner: Maureen M


I will be calling each of you by Monday evening and look so forward to working with you! For those of you that were not drawn unfortunately, I would like to offer you a ” 25% off coupon” for either a cleansing opportunity or for a coaching experience. If you provided your email to me, I will email it, or else, you can access a coupon on my website later in the week!

Thank-you to all of you for your time and interest in me, my booth and my services! I will send you other additional, fun information from my company as it is posted - an article, recipe or other programs details that might be interesting for you!

I wish you all the very best in your health journey. Stay curious…you know yourself and your body best and there is no one that experiences things in their health exactly the way you do. Being positive about your health doesn’t mean that everything will always be ok, but rather that you will be ok, no matter how things turn out. But, we can be better than ok…we can strive for better health than yesterday by creating space for new experiences, ideas, food options, movement, relaxation, gratitude and fun!

Smile at or laugh with someone today, it really is good medicine!

With gratitude and love,
