
21 Day Health Reset Cleanse

Featured Testimonial

It was a great experience and a nice way to reset my relationship with food. I was always health conscious, but after having kids that piece of my life seemed to slip a bit. It was nice to eat in a mindful way once again. The support from the other members was really nice to have.”

-Leslie-Ann S, Communication Specialist, Editor

You & Your Health...First Julie M Testimonial

I really enjoyed this cleanse experience. In my mind the words “cleanse” and “starvation” were synonymous. However I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Nicholle has created a cleanse that focuses on my whole body and mind. It’s about abundance and pampering, not deprivation. It’s about creativity in what and how I ate. It’s about choices and flexibility, not rigidity.

Nicholle supported me throughout the process. She provided great recipes and it got me excited about continuing to keep the new food choices in my diet. I had never tried giving up gluten and sugar from artificial sources. I definitely noticed my attitude toward sugar has changed. In the past if I took one bite of something sweet, that was it- I just kept eating more. Now I feel like I have control. I can stop at one small piece. It was an enlightening experience. The bonus...I did lose weight but did not feel deprived.

As a result of this cleanse I have committed to reducing my sugar intake (hey! I’m not perfect. I still love dessert!), not eating after 7 pm, drinking lemon water and supplementing my diet with ground flaxseed.

When I had questions, Nicholle responded with thorough responses. She was encouraging and supportive.

Thanks Nicholle for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this cleanse!

-Julie M, Service Specialist in a Financial Planning Company

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It was my first time trying it (the cleanse) and I am amazed at how much I learned and confirmed! I am most proud that I stuck to cleanse friendly foods throughout the 21 days! What I liked most was learning more about which foods do not sit well with me. I think I will try to keep doing most things, even if only in moderation. I have pretty much cut out coffee and am happy about that. I am aware now of how I feel when I eat less dairy and gluten. I did miss my morning eggs, but I survived! I found drinking the lemon water and flax concoction a little tough at the start but it got easier. I also found the time to attend a Moda Yoga class and it was clear why this kind of stretching is valuable. I want to do this more often on my own too! Thanks for making it fun! 💞‼️👏😊

-Cristina U, Health Region Director

You & Your Health...First John P Testimonial

I learned that diet is big part of how we feel and the energy we have to carry us through the day. For me the reintroduction phase was very enlightening - I think the gluten makes me want to snack more and eat more often - I found when I was on the cleanse, I did not feel hungry in the evenings. I had two cups of coffee on the weekend but other than that no caffeine and I have found I don’t need it anymore - I think I may quit for good 👍. I am thinking of trying to be on a cleanse friendly diet permanently. I have found I crave the foods that we were eating and did not miss the ones that were excluded.

-John P, Chief Financial Officer


More Energy, Less Weight…in 90 Days!

Featured Testimonial

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In the past, I have tried to make improvements in the important relationships in my life and in my physical well-being, but have struggled with doing it on my own. Going through this process with Nicholle has been a very positive experience for me. 

One of the great things about it is that it is a process, it's not just a one-time experience.  It's been about setting achievable goals, monitoring them, and making small changes on a weekly basis which have created big results over time.  

Nicholle is committed to her role as a mentor and guide and is always well prepared for each session.  She provides lots of good information, specific to helping me attain my goals.  I am more accountable to myself because I have Nicholle to lead me, inspire me and cheer me on.  I am really pleased with my success!

-Julie M, Service Specialist in a Financial Planning Company

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I am so grateful to have had such an amazing opportunity to work with Nicholle.  I'm a 47-year-old mom, daughter, wife, teacher and dog owner.  I've honestly never allowed myself time to think about me and my needs.  I'm a people pleaser who definitely puts others first.  But, I've learned that although I'm that same person and enjoy my life, I can take time for me and everyone is better for it. 

I'm teary-eyed as I reflect on what this program has done for me.  To begin with, Nicholle has such a lovely, supportive presence.  Each time we spoke I was able to learn and grow under her guidance.  I felt completely comfortable being candid and honest with Nicholle and through that was able to discover things about myself that were buried quite deeply.  Being a mom to my children as they enter adulthood has been challenging for me.  I've simply always told myself I'm better with younger children.  I'm so thankful that Nicholle supported me to work on ways I could be in a relationship with them as they find their own paths. 

This program has also helped me to create healthy habits.  I've always known that drinking water was good for me, for example, but Nicholle helped me set more goals and stick to them.  Now, drinking the water I need each day to feel healthy is just what I do.  Making a specific and intentional plan and keeping it a priority was so beneficial.  Not to mention that it had to be specific and intentional which really allowed me to focus on me and my goals. 

I really could never write in words how grateful I am to Nicholle and her support.  I have a lifetime of material that I continue to work on and would recommend this exciting journey to anyone.  Thank you again, Nicholle, for helping me to get "unstuck"!

-Jo-Lynn M, Teacher

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This is my first time enrolling in this type of program and it has come along at a time where life has seemed a bit overwhelming. (Lots going on at work, a very busy home life and my own personal low points in feeling less healthy than I want to feel). In all honesty, I wasn't really sure what to expect, but it has truly been fantastic!

The program is structured in a very balanced way, where I have been able to think about my lifestyle overall and the small things I can do, incrementally, to make little changes that will make a difference in my overall health and my energy levels. I have really appreciated the weekly contact with Nicholle and the strong emphasis on being more curious about how certain things make me feel. The tips around how to set small achievable goals each week does not make the program feel overwhelming, nor do I feel "guilted" or deprived in any way. And the best thing-- I do have more energy, am generally more positive and I have even lost weight! I have learned that I can do this, with a bit of effort and the right attitude. I'm also pretty sure that what I am learning is sustainable beyond the program and I think it is also rubbing off on my family.

Nicholle has been an amazing, supportive coach, whose positivity is contagious. I look forward to our conversations every week as they are helping me to focus on my goals at work and at home!

-Cristina U, Health Region Director